The Association of Canadian Cartoonists is a professional association concerned with promoting the interests of staff, freelance and student cartoonists in Canada.


President - Wes Tyrell (WES)
Vice President - Guy Badeaux (Bado)
Treasurer - Guy Badeaux (Bado)
Secretary - Sue Dewar

Curator - Christian Vachon

Ambassador - Terry Mosher (Aislin)

Past President - Graeme MacKay


The association was formed in 1988 originally comprising editorial cartoonists from Canada's newspapers, and continues to meet annually at conventions and saloons, though now with cartoonists of many disciplines. We are always interested in having new members join our ranks whose work in Canadian cartooning, is principally political or editorial based, or with some strength in current affairs.

There are 4 membership categories in the Association of Canadian Cartoonists. Qualification criteria are based solely on the amount of work, and the nature of employment, not ability or talent. Applicants must fulfill requirements for one of the
following categories.

Regular Member (M) -- Any professional cartoonist working for a newspaper, magazine or media outlet on a regular basis.

Associate Member (A) -- Any person who is a semi-professional cartoonist producing artwork for newspapers, magazines, the print or electronic media on a free-lance, part-time or voluntary basis.

Honorary Membership  -- Conferred on any member of the ACC who in the opinion of the Board has served the ACC in an exceptional manner.

Ordinary and Associate members are required to pay annual dues of $50 in order to keep their memberships active.

Affilliates -- Any newspaper, syndicate, professional organization or other corporate entity which has an interest in furthering the
purposes of the Association

For more information regarding membership
to the Association of Canadian Cartoonists please contact:

 Guy Badeaux.

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